Jason Scholtz on what to look for when your truck tyres need to be replaced

what to look for when your tyres need to be replaced

Truck drivers haul loads of goods over a long distance; therefore it is important to check that your truck tyres are in perfect condition. Should these tyres have any faults on them, Jason Scholtz says it can cause serious consequences to the driver and other road users.

When looking for truck tyre wear, you need to take not of the following types of tyre wear that can occur:

  • Shoulder wear – This type of wear is caused by the tyre travelling in a straight line on the road while the wheel of the truck is pulling to one side. This can cause serious damage to the tyre and even cause the tyre to burst.
  • Sloped wear – Sloped wear is caused by an unbalanced tyre and will feel smooth when touched. This can happen as a result of hard cornering or overloading.
  • Rounded wear – Rounded wear is caused by the tyre being under-inflated. The tyre will then have one spot that will run smooth while the rest of the tyre drags along the road.
  • Center wear – This is caused by an over-inflated tre and heat will cause excessive friction over the tyre.
  • Irregular wear – This type of wear is caused by a wide variety of factors such as loose wheel nuts, incorrect wheel balancing, faulty brakes as well as the wrong amount of tyre pressure.
  • Eccentric wear – This is caused by a tyre being incorrectly fitted to the rim and can cause the tyre to have patches of wear.
  • Localised wear – This happens when only part of the tyre is affected by the wear. It can occur as a result of repair faults, locked brakes or a frozen axle.

Truck tyre damage can occur as a result of the following:

  • Direct impact with another object
  • Sharp objects that penetrate the tyres
  • Damage as a result of a flat tyre
  • Tyres being exposed by extreme heat
  • Freezing or corrosion of the tyres

Jason Scholtz recommends that you make truck tyre safety your number one priority

Making sure that your truck tyres are safe will not only benefit your truck, it will benefit you and other road users by creating safe roads for all.

Jason Scholtz at Transking can assist you with making your tyres as safe as possible and by calling us today, you will get some amazing deals on tyres!

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